Behavior Modification
Dog behavior modification begins by identifying your dog’s triggers and how they react. Why your dog has this opinion towards their triggers will help to determine what type of training method will be beneficial to your dog.
I always utilize positive and compassionate training techniques to change your dog’s emotional response rather than suppress it. Changing these behaviors is a huge commitment and at times may require a shift to your typical routine with your dog. This may not just be about your dog, sometimes you are part of the equation. Your relationship with your dog is based on trust, without it, our dogs will still be wild animals.

Mild to Moderate Reactivity:
This training is for dogs who perform undesirable behaviors towards triggers in your home or outside.
Common Behavior Modification Issues:
Separation Anxiety
Isolation Anxiety
Noise Aversion
Resource Guarding
Fearful of Humans or Dogs
Shy/Timid Dogs
Reactivity to a Variety of Elements

Please note that I DO NOT train with dogs who exhibit extremely aggressive behaviors towards humans and dogs, especially with a bite history. However, I will refer you to a few of my dog trainer colleagues.

Acclimating Rescue and Shelter Dogs to New Home:
This program helps all newly adopted dogs acclimate to their new life in your home with behavior modification.
Anytime you welcome a new dog into your family, it’s a happy occasion. Due to past experiences or living arrangements, some adopted dogs may need a little more time to decompress and adjust to your lifestyle. They may have had previous training, come from a home with a different lifestyle, found as a stray, or spent a long time at a shelter. Don’t let your new dog figure things out on their own. We will work together to give your new dog the support they need to feel safe and happy with behavior modification.

Contact us for more information and to begin your training!